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  • Magazine Global Network of Neurofibromatosis Patient Organisations
  • Interview with Dr. Michael J. Fisher Find out what a neuro-oncologist says about treating low-grade gliomas
  • Central nervous system and NF Find out how the central nervous system is affected in NF patients.
  • How to cope with Autism A psychologist and an affected person speak about how to deal with NF-related Autism
  • Tariq's operation Our member organization NF Kinder has fulfilled Tariq's dream. Find out more!
  • Dear readers,
    It’s my great pleasure to introduce the final edition of the NFPU Online Magazine in the year 2024. Together with other member organizations in Europe, we worked on publishing this magazine just before the festive Christmas season. Our primary focus this time is on NF-related central nervous system manifestations, particularly low-grade gliomas (brain tumors) and their treatment.

    We had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Michael J. Fisher, a neuro-oncologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He shared insights on managing benign brain tumors, identifying the most common types, and discussing effective treatment methods.

    On the topic of mental health, we interviewed Austrian clinical psychologist Lena Fichtinger from the Medical University of Vienna. With her expertise in working with people diagnosed with Autism, she gives helpful advice on managing neurocognitive issues. Mikkel from Denmark, who is affected by NF1 and was diagnosed with Autism, also tells us what living with Autism looks like for him.

    Of course, we also look for people with Neurofibromatosis who inspire us. This time, our Hero of the Month is Mason. He has NF1 and was diagnosed with Autism but always remains positive and brings joy to his mother every single day.

    Finally, I want to thank you for supporting NF Patients United and this online magazine. If you enjoy our work, we would greatly appreciate your donations. Every small amount counts, so we can have more resources to better support people battling with all types of NF and continue to make this online magazine better!

    index cover image

    Karin Hoogendijk, Chair of NFPU

    • Symptome des zentralen Nervensystems bei NF Wie kann das zentrale Nervensystem bei Menschen mit NF beeinträchtigt sein? Lassen Sie es uns herausfinden.
      7791Central Nervous System Symptoms in NF

      READING TIME 4 Minuten. Artikel

    • Wie man mit (NF-bedingtem) Autismus umgeht Ein Psychologe und eine Affektperson erklären, wie man am besten mit Autismus umgeht
      7821How to cope with NF-related Autism

      READING TIME 5 Minuten. Artikel

    • Interview mit Dr. Michael J. Fisher Lesen Sie mehr darüber, wie der Arzt niedriggradige Gliome bei NF1 behandelt.
      7807Interview with Dr. Michael J. Fisher

      READING TIME 5 Minuten. Interview

    • Mitgliedsorganisation NF Kinder Informieren Sie sich über das besondere Projekt unseres Mitgliedsvereins.
      7778Member organisation: NFKinder

      READING TIME 3 Minuten. Artikel

    • Spenden Eine kleine Geste mit großer Wirkung.

      READING TIME < 1 Minute. Information

    • Glossar Verwirrende medizinische Begriffe? Schlagen Sie hier nach!
      7836Glossary for CNS symptoms

      READING TIME 2 Minuten. Artikel

    • Kinderecke Finden Sie Online-Spiele für Kinder und Weihnachtsdrucke.
      7825Kids Corner November

      READING TIME < 1 Minute. Artikel

    • Held des Monats Lesen Sie Masons Geschichte, wie er die Diagnose NF1 und Autismus erhielt.
      7812Mason – Hero of the Month

      READING TIME 2 Minuten. Artikel

    • Pressemeldungen Informieren Sie sich, was die Wissenschaft zu ZNS-Symptomen und NF1 herausgefunden hat.
      7800Research News regarding CNS

      READING TIME 3 Minuten. Artikel


    Central Nervous System Symptoms in NF

    How can the central nervous system be affected in people with NF? Let's find out.


    Central Nervous System Symptoms in NF

    How can the central nervous system be affected in people with NF? Let's find out.